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Center For Agribusiness And Rural Development (CARD) Foundation

The Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD) is an Armenian foundation.  It was founded in 2005 as the successor to U.S. government development projects in Armenia, first the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Farm Extension Project (1993-1996) and then the USDA’s award-winning Marketing Assistance Project (1996-2005).  These projects assisted with the rebuilding of the Armenian agriculture sector after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

The Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development is a ‘one-stop-shop’ economic development organization staffed with highly-trained experts and specialists who provide services to a broad client base throughout the country. CARD designs innovative, flexible, impact-driven programs that respond to pressing challenges facing Armenian producers, agribusinesses, and exporters. Each of its projects focuses on enhancing the agribusiness community and improving rural livelihoods. 

CARD offers a complete and integrated package of agricultural development services that are always farmer- and market-drive. Our assistance stimulates economic growth at the agribusiness level within rural communities. 

CARD facilitates the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which results in significant comparative advantages throughout the marketing chain, and in so doing delivers the most complete set of agribusiness services to the agriculture sector in Armenia. 

Location: Yerevan , Armenia
Herb cultivators - producers

The groups trained by our company’s specialists gather every wild plant at specific times of the day, which increases the usefulness of the plant, and the quality of the raw materials collected from forests, mountains and highlands is conditioned by the favorable climatic conditions of regions Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Kotayk, Lori, Gegharkunik and Tavush. Our Armenian herbal tea factory is located in Geghard village. It is сaturated with all modern technical and sanitary-hygienic conditions and matches with European standards. Here the recycling of raw materials is done in natural way without chemical intervention. The true value of our work is the achievement of trust by consumers over the years.

Location: - , Armenia
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
Darman Tea

The herbs, flowers, berries and honey are sourced in Tavush region of Armenia.  The one of a kind natural environment, Armenian soil, sun and water ensure the unique taste profile and healing qualities of our herbs, that are grown at an altitude of 1300-2300m above the sea level. Nature does not slack when it comes to the quality and detail of her creations and neither do we. We gather, process, mix and package our products according to the highest Organic European standards.

Location: Tavush , Armenia
+374 91 999959
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)

The Nairian Lab is located inside our facilities in Aragyugh Village. It is staffed by a skilled team of scientists who are dedicated to fusing scientific innovation with natural practices, for the sake of your beauty and your health. This mission is always at the heart of their research on essential oils, and the composition of Nairian’s cosmetic formulas.

Location: Aragyugh Village , Armenia
+374 (0) 41 445 442
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)

Herbs are harvested by employees from the Vayots Dzor region and black teas are imported from India. Mountea started in 2016 with plans to have teas produced only for export. By that time, the variety of production was at four flavors. However, in 2017 the Company started to offer their production also to local consumers.

Location: Yerevan , Armenia
+374 96 202060
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)

Antaram is an unique handmade herbal tea organization, where all processes are supervised by pharmacists. Numerous Armenian rural families are involved in production. During years we have created wide range of herbal teas, which are made from wild collected 50 and cultivated 7 species herbs. The herbs are presented separately and in various herbal bouquets.

Location: Yerevan , Armenia
+374 (10) 266-100
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
Mountain Tea

The raw material is gathered in areas, which are more than 1700 m high from the sea level, in ecologically clean mountain regions of Armenia and cultivated in a traditional way, without chemical actions. Mountain Tea uses only wild herbs. Mountain Tea produces six herbal teas. Along with famous Thyme, Wild Mint and Rose Hip teas, Mountain Tea makes exclusive blends of mountain herbs: already well-accepted and really valued Thyme + Blackberry leaves, Mountain Mix tea and Pomegranate flower blend, which is marked with its healthy features and delicate aroma.

Location: Goris , Armenia
(+374) 94 20 47 33
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)