The Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD) is an Armenian foundation.  It was founded in 2005 as the successor to U.S. government development projects in Armenia, first the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Farm Extension Project (1993-1996) and then the USDA’s award-winning Marketing Assistance Project (1996-2005).  These projects assisted with the rebuilding of the Armenian agriculture sector after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

The Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development is a ‘one-stop-shop’ economic development organization staffed with highly-trained experts and specialists who provide services to a broad client base throughout the country. CARD designs innovative, flexible, impact-driven programs that respond to pressing challenges facing Armenian producers, agribusinesses, and exporters. Each of its projects focuses on enhancing the agribusiness community and improving rural livelihoods. 

CARD offers a complete and integrated package of agricultural development services that are always farmer- and market-drive. Our assistance stimulates economic growth at the agribusiness level within rural communities. 

CARD facilitates the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which results in significant comparative advantages throughout the marketing chain, and in so doing delivers the most complete set of agribusiness services to the agriculture sector in Armenia. 

Contact phone

1/21 Azatutyan ave. 0037, v, Armenia

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