On Thursday, the 27th of April at 09.30am (Greek time), the final Dissemination Event of the Project “Herbs for Growth-HEGO” was held in the Halkidiki Chamber of Commerce building, in Poligiros, Halkidiki, Greece.
Aims of the event: It aims to inform the target groups about the outcomes of HEGO project thta has been running for 34 months as a cross-border collaboration between project countries in the Black Sea Basin region: Greece, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia.
In this context there will be an exchange of the following information about the HEGO Project:
- project achievements,
- role and purpose of the HEGO Project for the development of the sector of growth, production and promotion of herbaceous plants and plant products with added commercial value,
- novel training courses and tools used in the framework of entrepreneurship training (theoretical and practical) and the e-learning platform,
- new opportunities created for cross-border collaboration in the Black Sea Basin through the annual HEGO Forums, the e-portal, and
- HEGO herb cluster that will be kickstarted in the Black Sea region.