29 results
Mountain Tea

The raw material is gathered in areas, which are more than 1700 m high from the sea level, in ecologically clean mountain regions of Armenia and cultivated in a traditional way, without chemical actions. Mountain Tea uses only wild herbs. Mountain Tea produces six herbal teas. Along with famous Thyme, Wild Mint and Rose Hip teas, Mountain Tea makes exclusive blends of mountain herbs: already well-accepted and really valued Thyme + Blackberry leaves, Mountain Mix tea and Pomegranate flower blend, which is marked with its healthy features and delicate aroma.

Location: Goris , Armenia
(+374) 94 20 47 33
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
HOLOMON organic herbs

Holomon grows an impressive variety of more than 45 organically cultivated species of herbs on more than 2.5 hectares of land, from which they select the finest and most beneficial.Herbs are selected on the basis of their stage of development.  They always collect the parts of the plant that are most suitable for the creation of our products, without impairing its growth.
The most suitable herbs are handpicked and then dried in a specially designed natural drying room without the use of mechanisation.

Once the herbs are dried, they are again hand-selected before being packaged, which takes place using modern equipment to ensure the quality and safety of the final product.

Location: Taxiarchis/Chalkidiki , Greece
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
Pagonis oils

For many years, in the area of ​​mountainous Halkidiki, the beneficial properties of essential oils have been known. The fertile soils of the area, combined with the excellent climate and crystal clear water, result in the flourishing of several plants known from ancient Greece for their aromatic as well as therapeutic properties for human health.

In the company's state-of-the-art facilities in Paleochori, Halkidiki, all the aromatic plants are gathered, which are cultivated on the privately owned 50-acre lands in the wider area and distilled without wasting time. This ensures the excellent quality and maximum aroma of the essential oils.

Herb cultivators - producers
ZЄLIA Herbal Holistic Cosmetics

ZЄLIA is a family affair. It is a creation of Aphrodite Tsesmesidou, chemical-environmentalist and her daughter, Anastasia Piltsi, biotechnologist-environmental engineer. The two women joined forces and knowledge, driven by their love for nature, the environment and humans. Following the achievements of medicine, biotechnology and their transfer to cosmetology, they implemented their business idea, with innovation as their compass. In fact, ZЄLIA, which develops its own research, has joined the innovation ecosystem of the Alexandria Innovation Zone as an innovative company.
The natural cosmetics prepared by the two women of two women, as Aphrodite Tsesmesidou tells Voria.gr, contain safe ingredients and are free from any element that has been proven or is potentially harmful to humans and the environment, such as synthetic silicones and polyacrylics, parabens, synthetic oils, BHT, BHA, SLS, SLES, PEGS etc. They are effective and original compositions from certified natural raw materials, combined with cosmetic biotechnology materials and aimed at minimalist and holistic skin care. ZЄLIA, according to the… mother of the company, applies a vegan and cruelty free philosophy, with great emphasis on environmental awareness, while it has given priority to the use of Greek raw materials.

Location: Thermi-Thessaloniki , Greece
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
Anthea Organics

ANTHEA ORGANICS carefully controls each stage of the cultivation process, ensuring that all herbal infusions and mixtures  offered are certified organic. The herbs are carefully selected, collected by hand and with all their leaves, thus maintaining their top quality and refined taste. As a company,  actively supports organic farming and oppose the use of any type of chemical, such as pesticides or fertilizers.

The company works exclusively with small, local producers from all over Greece, who follow sustainable cultivation practices and share  the same passion and devotion for the Greek land and its natural treasures.             

So ANTHEA ORGANICS offers high -quality organic tea and herbs for retail and wholesale bulk.

Location: THESSALONIKI , Greece
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)
Kritamos Ikonomoudi

The cultivation area of the company has reached 25 acres where a model kritam production unit has been created. The main advantage of this unit is that as the cultivation of kritam is done in modern greenhouses, its lovers have the possibility to enjoy it fresh throughout the year.                                                                                      The kritam available to consumers is selected with care and its cultivation is done with respect for the environment and professionalism, which is distinguished in all phases of production of the products. Furthermore, the mission of the family is to publicize the kritam but also various interesting products that can result from its processing, to suggest its uses, special recipes and flavor combinations, and thus ultimately to include it in their lives and to reap the various positive benefits that this plant-herb can offer them.

Location: ORMILIA , Greece
Herb cultivators - producers
Nine Roads

Two twin brothers after their studies, moved back to their mother land and made family's dream a reality. Their love for organic farming is what prompted them to cultivate at the moment 120 acres of organic lavender and produce their own natural cosmetics of excellent quality. With respect to nature and the environment, they produce cruelty free Greek products for face and body without toxins, additives or preservatives.

Location: Paleokomi , Greece
Herb cultivators - producers
Bagatzounis Spices

Bagatzounis & Sons SA is a family owned business that produces, processes, packages and sells spices, scented plants, herbs, beverages and general agricultural products. The company is based in Vatero Kozani, Western Macedonia.The privately owned property covers 2000 sq.m. of building facilities and 14000 sq.m. in agricultural facilities.                   The company aims at the development, production and distribution of safe products to consumers. For this reason it has been established since 2001 in the company quality control department that is staffed with scientific personnel to carry out all the necessary checks on Frameworks and certification ISO:22000 from TUV AUSTRIA HELLAS holding."BAGATZOUNIS SPICES". also works with many external partners such as chemists, certified laboratories, scientific collaborators educational institutions, etc., so as to ensure the establishment and measurement of all parameters needed to produce safe and quality products.                                                                              

Company's research and development department, is one of the most significant cogs in the flavor machine. This department includes tea specialists, chefs collaborating with the purchase and marketing departments contributing to  new products.

Location: VATERO , Greece
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)

The company is dealing with research on Essential Oil, the development of new products and the wholesale of these products."Εtherio" is one of the best companies in GREECE in its field, with a huge history and intense research activity in the development of essential oils. It has lavender cultivation areas which it processes in its facilities and produces excellent quality essential oil. In addition, it imports a large variety of essential oils from various aromatic plants mainly from a factory in England, while it has also received honorary awards for its research activity in essential oils.

Location: ERATERA, VOIO, KOZANI , Greece
0030 6946501110
Herb processors (manufacturing; packaging)